In June of 2024 the Town of New London received a Housing Opportunity Planning Grant (HOP) from the New Hampshire Housing Finance Authority in the amount of $103,000. Over the next year and a half this funding will provide a valuable opportunity to study existing land uses, demographics, land use regulations, and existing housing types in New London. This initiative will also include a number of public events for the review and discussion of these findings with town residents. Working with professional planners, the Commission will conduct this study and engage community members in these public forums to consider the present conditions, and to determine desired regulatory and non-regulatory approaches to addressing the need for future housing opportunities in the town.
This initiative will help us decide together how to best manage the housing challenges in our community now and in the future. Please join The Housing Commission and help determine the paths forward!
For project feedback, please use this form
Save the Date!
On the morning of April 5th there will be a second housing forum in
Wheeler Hall. Details to follow.