Local Links
The Town of New London provides these links to local area non-profit organizations.
It is the Town's policy not to provide links to area businesses (for that information, please see the Lake Sunapee Region Chamber of Commerce, below).
Ausbon Sargent Land Preservation Trust
Girl Scouts of Green & White Mountains
Greenway - Sunapee-Ragged-Kearsarge Greenway Coalition
Kearsarge Neighborhood Partners
Kearsarge Regional School District
Lake Sunapee Protective Association
Lake Sunapee Region Chamber of Commerce
Lake Sunapee Region VNA & Hospice
Little Sunapee Protective Association
Messer Pond Protective Association
New Hampshire Cooperative Extension
NH Easy - Gateway to DHHS Services
Pleasant Lake Protective Association
Upper Valley Lake Sunapee Regional Planning Commission
New Hampshire Cooperative Extension