Fiscal Year 2026 Budget: July 1, 2025 - June 30, 2026
Tax Rate Calculator - December 11, 2024
*posted 12/18/24
Comparative Budget Scenario 4
*posted 12/3/24
Comparative Budget Scenario 3
*posted 11/18/24
Comparative Budget Scenario 2
*posted 11/13/24
Section 2: Executive, Town Clerk - Elections, Finance, Tax Collector, Assessing, Legal, Personnel Adm. Planning & Zoning, Insurance
*posted 10/23/24
Section 3: Police, Dispatch Services, Fire, Emergency Management
*posted 10/23/24
Section 4: Department of Public Works, Government Buildings, Cemetery, Highway, Street Lighting, Transfer Station, Sewer
*posted 10/23/24
Section 5: Health & Welfare, Recreation, Library, Patriotic Purposes & Archives, Conservation & Housing
*posted 10/23/24
Section 7: Transfers to Capital Reserves
*posted 10/23/24
Complete packet: all sections combined
*posted 10/23/24
CIP Narrative Final Adopted
*posted 10/24/24
CIP Final
*posted 10/24/24
Capital Reserve with CIP updated for 11-27-24 Meeting
*posted 12/3/24
Capital Reserves with CIP
*posted 11/20/24