Information for Businesses
Links are underlined.
Are you a business owner in New London?
Are you interested in relocating or starting new in New London?
This web page is full of facts and information for your use.
Appointments can be setup through Adam Ricker, Planning & Zoning Admin via email or call (603) 526-1247.
To open a new business in New London:
Come into the New London Town Offices (located at 375 Main Street) and request a copy of our Zoning Ordinances and Site Plan Regulations, or download them from the Town's website at Planning & Zoning Permits.
To change or add-on to my current business:
If you would like to change the size and/or use of your building (i.e., change layout or from office to retail) you will need to view the site plan regulations and planning forms.
To erect or change signs:
There are permanent & temporary signs. Permits can be found here.
To hold a tent or sidewalk sale:
Any business that holds a sidewalk/tent sale must complete an sale/event application that is submitted to the Board of Selectmen's Office for approval. The application is available at the Town Offices (375 Main Street) or online. Be advised that if you are conducting a sidewalk/tent sale you are not allowed to infringe on any approved parking of said business.
You are also restricted to one (1) temporary on-premise sign not exceeding 4 square feet in size to be placed not more than 24 hours prior to the opening of the sale and to be removed within 24 hours after conclusion of the sale is permitted. For complete regulations about where you can and cannot setup your tent please contact Adam Ricker, Planning & Zoning Admin at (603) 526-1247 or via email.