Abatement Applications and Information
Our last revaluation updated property values to April 1, 2023. If you feel the assessment is inaccurate, your next step is to file an abatement application.
Please note, the burden of proof is on the taxpayer. Your application will likely be denied if you only provided general statements, such as:
- "my taxes are too high"
- "assessment exceeds market value"
- "this increase doesn't make sense"
Abatement applications must be filed by March 1, following the notice of tax. In New London, the notice of tax is the date of the 2nd billing. Applications may not be emailed.
Please remember that the Town has until July 1st to respond to all abatement applications. Filing an abatement does not extend your property tax due dates, interest will accrue if they are not paid timely. If your abatement is granted, you will be issued a refund of any overpayments, plus interest.
Municipal Abatement Application
BTLA Appeal Form - if the abatement is denied
NH Department of Revenue Abatement and Appeals Website
BTLA Property Tax Abatement and Appeals Website
To download a copy of your property record card, please visit: https://www.axisgis.com/Tri_TownNH/
Once there, you can use the search tool on the left side of the page to find your property. If you are having any issues downloading the information, please reach out to our offices at 603-526-1242 and someone can assist you.