ZBA Notices of Decision 2016 1-05-16 ZBA Notice of Decision - Stahlman 2-22-16 ZBA Notice Of Decision - Demming,Barrett 4-12-16 PB & ZBA Notice of Decision Joint Mtg 6-2-16 ZBA Notice of Decision - Messer 6-27-16 ZBA Notice of Decision - Messer, Colby-Sawyer College & Morgan/Schive 7-14-16 ZBA Notice of Decision - Messer & Bailey 7-25 -16 ZBA Notice of Decision - Messer 8-22-16 ZBA Notice of Decision - Royce, Miller, Pike Brook Rd. & Carr 10-6-16 ZBA Notice of Decision - Berube, Perkins, Barn Playhouse, Royce 11-7-16 ZBA Notice of Decision Zeller, Robert & Deborah Trust