
New Residents to New London
The New London Town Clerk/Tax Collector's office offers a variety of services to our residents, but our main services include Motor Vehicle Registrations, Elections, Vital Records, Dog Licensing, Fishing & Hunting Licenses and OHRV Registrations, as well as, collecting property taxes & sewer bills.
Normal office hours are : Monday - Friday , 8am - 4pm. We don't close for lunch. However, we do have holiday & other closures which are posted on our home page of this website. Please remember to check or call before coming.
Here is a link to all of New London's town departments.
New residents should fill out our Declaration of Residency Form.
Check out our town's monthly newsletter called Municipal Matters.
Proof of Residency
New Residents Renting – One of the following must be presented:
- Lease agreement: signed, dated and in effect. (Please note, sublets are not accepted.)
- Recently dated utility bill indicating full name and physical address (current within 30 days).
New Property Owner – One of the following must be presented:
Recently dated utility bill indicating full name and physical address (current within 30 days)
A payroll check, payroll document, government check or statement or bank statement showing physical address not PO box.
Living with Parent(s) – One of the following must be presented:
Verification that the parents own the property and signed statement from parents.
If parents rent, then signed residency statement from property owners and managers.
Living with Any Other Relative – One of the following must be presented:
Verification that relative owns property and signed statement by relative.
If relative is renting, signed statement by property owner/manager.
Any Additional Circumstance
For all other circumstances, documentation will be required at the Town Clerk's discretion.
Motor Vehicle Registrations & Driver's Licenses
New residents have 60 days to obtain a New Hampshire driver's license & register their motor vehicles.
Driver's licenses are obtained through the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV). The two closest DMV locations to New London are: Don't forget to make an appointment.
Newport DMV (20 North Main Street – approximately 30 minutes away)
Concord DMV (23 Hazen Drive – approximately 40 minutes away.)
Motor vehicle registrations are processed at the town clerk level. Click here for more information.
Elections & Voting in New London
Register to Vote in New Hampshire – On this page you will find information about registering to vote, as well as, New London's elections, notices & voting results. To register, please come in to our office with your documents needed to vote. Voter guide
Dog Registration
All dogs living in New London need to be registered at our office. Click for more information.