Assessing Department Appointments

Please contact the Land Use & Assessing Coordinator
to schedule an appointment.
(603) 526-1243


Personal Credits, Exemptions & Tax Payer Assistance

Please refer to the document links in this section for property exemption/credit applications as well as the state program for Low and Moderate Income Homeowners Property Tax Relief. 

This page also includes a list of currently adopted exemptions and amounts. 

Abatement Applications and Information

Abatement applications must be filed by March 1, following the notice of tax.  In New London, the notice of tax is the date of the 2nd billing, typically around November-December each year. Applications may not be emailed.  

Timber Tax Information

In accordance with RSA Chapter 79, Forest Conservation and Taxation, an “Intent to Cut” application (PA-7) must be completed and submitted to the Town Assessing Department before any timber can be cut from any property. If there is any question regarding the applicability of the law, please reach out to our offices to discuss your situation before making any assumptions.