Property Tax Payments

Property tax bills are mailed twice yearly.  Each mailing contains two quarterly bill stubs. You have the option to either pay four times per year or twice by paying the two bills mailed together at the same time.   


Property Tax    Click to pay &/or view your bill online.


Or mail payments to:  Tax Collector   (made payable to "Town of New London")

                                        375 Main Street, New London, NH  03257

For questions call:     (603) 526-1245


In order to ensure that quarterly tax bills for your property are paid on time and to avoid paying interest,
please be advised of the due dates for your property taxes: 

First & Second quarters - mailed in May
Due dates:     1st quarter - July 1, 2024
                        2nd quarter - October 1, 2024

Third & Fourth quarters - mailed in November
Due dates:      3rd quarter - January 2, 2025
                         4th quarter - March 31, 2025


Understanding Quarterly Property Tax Billing 

- Tax year is April 1 to March 31 of the following year. 
- Quarterly payments are made 3 months in arrears. 
- Each of the first set of bills will be a quarter of the previous year's taxes.
- The second set of bills will reflect the new tax rate set by the NH Department of Revenue for the Town.
- Click here to download the DRA explanation of how property taxes are calculated